
A 1000 mangoes
Atop a large Mango tree
One of the finest orchards
The rarest Alphonsos.

As the tree flowers
The farmer rejoices
Another great crop
Of fine Alphonsos
And then he
Somehow disappears
As if rejoicing
Was the last obligation.

The tree stands eager
to get rid of the fruits
Their burden now bogging it down.
The farm opens to the pluckers
And how they grab the juicy fruits!

But always,
Some on the top are left untouched
Waiting for a brave plucker
To set an eye on it
Saving itself from rotting.

But how many a mangoes rot!
Rotting is inevitable.
On the trees,
In the godowns
In the seller’s basket
Also at times
In a lazy customer’s fridge

Difficult is the delight
For a mango to attain
Of feeding a mouth
Its juice and pulp in all its purity
A purposeful life
A mango’s nirvana!

Meanwhile, the farmer
Busies himself for yet another crop
Oblivious to the mango’s fate
For the prices have been settled
for the last produce.


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